

How PetSmart Hospital handles pet cognitive decline:

1. Comprehensive Assessment:

  • Our team of experienced veterinarians and behaviorists conduct a thorough assessment to understand the underlying cause of the cognitive decline.
  • We evaluate the pet's behavior, cognitive abilities, and physical health.

2. Personalized Care Plan:

  • Based on the assessment results, we develop a personalized care plan tailored to the individual pet's needs.
  • This plan may include medication, dietary changes, behavioral therapy, and other supportive measures.

3. Medication Management:

  • We work closely with your veterinarian to ensure the pet receives the appropriate medication to manage any underlying conditions.
  • We monitor the pet's response to medication and adjust the dosage as needed.

4. Dietary Management:

  • We recommend a balanced and nutritious diet that supports cognitive function.
  • We work with your veterinarian to adjust the pet's diet based on their individual needs.

5. Behavioral Therapy:

  • We incorporate behavioral therapy techniques to improve the pet's cognitive abilities and reduce behavioral issues.
  • This may include puzzle toys, training, and environmental enrichment activities.

6. Advanced Care Options:

  • For pets with severe cognitive decline or other medical conditions, we offer advanced care options such as:
    • Cognitive rehabilitation therapy
    • Medical neurology consultation
    • Hospice care

7. Ongoing Monitoring:

  • We regularly monitor the pet's cognitive function and adjust the care plan as needed.
  • We provide regular updates to you and your pet's caregivers.

8. Support for Pet and Owner:

  • We offer support to both the pet and its owner during this challenging time.
  • We provide information, resources, and counseling to help pet owners cope with cognitive decline.