Can you list a few examples of how this is a pet hospital can be expressed using different prepositions or conjunctions in English?


In the pet hospital we offer first-class pet care services.ゃ、宠物医院はお世話にございます。Please see that your pet needs to stay safe and well-cared for during their visit to the pet hospital.

看看这里, 看到这里, 看这里。 查看这里 翻阅这里 阅读这里 浏览这里 搜索这里 发现这里

Examples of how the hospital can be expressed using different prepositions or conjunctions include at the hospital on the hospital grounds in the hospital building next to the hospital and nearby the hospital.

Sure.是一家以提供专业的宠物医院服务为主营业务的公司. 宠物是人类最忠诚的朋友之一,因此许多家庭都非常重视宠物的健康和幸福。作为一家专注于宠物保健的专业机构,我们致力于为客户提供最高质量、最全面的医疗护理服务。无论是对于大型狗还是小型猫,我们都拥有经验丰富的技术人员和设施完善的医院环境,可以满足您和您的宠物的所有需求。

ゃ - 医院を开催する

Yes here are some examples of how the phrase pet hospital could be expressed using different prepositions or conjunctions in English - At the pet hospital - In the pet hospital - Near/Next to the pet hospital - With/Alongside the pet hospital - By the pet hospital - Along/Across from the pet hospital.的意思:,宠物医院可以用不同的介词短语或连接词来表达吗 是的。以下是一些如何用不同的介词短语或连接词表示“宠物医院”的例子:- 在(pet hospital);- 接近(near to/next to/along from)宠物医院;- 与/沿着(with/alongside)宠物医院;- 靠近(by)宠物医院。

看到:Pet Hospital at the corner of 8th St and Broadway. 2被安排在…里:The Pet Hospital is located at the front of the building. 3从…开始的:This Pet Hospital offers a wide range of services starting from birth to adulthood.4与某人一起工作或经营的事物/位置:I have been working at the local Pet Hospital for 5 years now.

Can you list a few examples of how this is a pet hospital Can you see any signs that the pet has been well-kept and cared for in a pet hospital
