- spacious clean waiting room
- clean and well-equipped surgical operating room
- clean and well-equipped recovery room
- clean and well-equipped intensive care unit
- clean and well-equipped isolation room
- clean and well-equipped boarding area
- clean and well-equipped staff room
- clean and well-equipped playroom
- clean and well-equipped grooming room
- clean and well-equipped cat play area
- clean and well-equipped dog play area
- clean and well-equipped exercise yard
- clean and well-equipped indoor play area
- clean and well-equipped boarding and grooming facility
- clean and well-equipped staff lounge
- clean and well-equipped conference room
- clean and well-equipped waiting area for clients
- 24小时兽医诊所
- 24小时兽医急救室
- 宠物疫苗和药品店
- 宠物美容和宠物训练服务
- 宠物寄养服务
- 多条宠物床位
- 多条宠物床位
- 多条宠物床位