


Pet care services offered by the company include:

  • Basic care: This includes feeding, watering, cleaning, and walking pets.
  • Medical care: This includes administering medications, checking blood pressure, and performing vaccinations.
  • Behavioral care: This includes training pets, addressing behavioral issues, and providing enrichment activities.
  • Grooming: This includes bathing, brushing, and nail trimming.
  • Transportation: This includes taking pets to the vet, groomer, or other locations.
  • Boarding: This includes providing a safe and comfortable place for pets while their owners are away.
  • Emergency care: This includes providing care for pets who are sick or injured.
  • Pet sitting: This includes providing care for pets while their owners are away for short periods of time.
  • Puppy socialization: This includes teaching puppies basic skills and how to interact with other dogs.
  • Senior pet care: This includes providing care for senior pets, such as providing medication, companionship, and exercise.