


Training of Doctors and Staff at European Pet Hospital

Training Process:

  • Basic Education:

    • All doctors and staff undergo a comprehensive basic education program covering animal anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and clinical medicine.
    • This program typically takes 12-18 months to complete.
  • Specialty Training:

    • Doctors and staff can pursue additional specialty training in specific areas such as surgery, internal medicine, surgery, anesthesia, radiology, and more.
    • These programs typically take 1-3 years to complete.
  • Continuing Education:

    • Doctors and staff are required to complete continuing education courses on a regular basis to stay updated on the latest advancements in veterinary medicine.

Training Standards:

  • European Pet Hospital sets high standards for training and certification.
  • Doctors and staff must meet specific licensing requirements and pass rigorous certification exams.

Training Objectives:

  • To provide doctors and staff with the knowledge, skills, and experience to provide high-quality veterinary care.
  • To ensure that all employees have the necessary training to perform their duties effectively.
  • To maintain a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Additional Information:

  • Training is conducted by experienced veterinarians, surgeons, and other specialists.
  • The hospital provides financial support for staff members who pursue specialty training.
  • European Pet Hospital is committed to providing ongoing support and career development opportunities for its employees.